— article by George Riley

Motrak’s HO scale MOW Shed kit goes beyond being a simple structure. The inclusion of additional details for the exterior will allow the builder to construct a nicely detailed model. This versatile structure should prove to have other uses, as it can easily be used as a yard office, small depot, or yard crew quarters.
The typical railroad right-of-way hosts a wide collection of lineside structures ranging from the very small to the massive. All are participants in the daily operations of the railroad. Key among these are the varied maintenance of way (MOW) buildings that once punctuated the main lines at regular intervals. In model form these small, nondescript structures add an air of realism to our model railroads. Replicating a cluttered prototype with its on-hand supplies and piles of junk can be among the ultimate challenges for any modeler.
Motrak's HO scale MOW shed provides an easy to assemble kit complete with many of the basic details to construct a representative model of these common structures. This well proportioned freelanced model has been based on several common prototype buildings. The shed should be at home on any model railroad set from the 1940s until the present era. Its 5-1/4" long by 2-1/2" wide foot print should allow it to easily be at home on even the smallest pikes.
Motrak Shed

The kit comprises laser cut wood and card stock walls, base and roof sections as well as various sized strip wood sections to be used to brace and detail the model. The roof is finished with strips of textured ‘three tab’ self adhesive shingles. Windows and doors consist of several injection molded plastic sprues of parts. Their addition greatly simplifies the model’s construction making the shed a great first time project for those not familiar with this type of kit.
Motrak Models
717 Windsor Lane
Martinsville, VA 24112
(813) 476-4784
#83004 HO Scale MOW Shed
MSRP: $38.00
Additional items have been included to add detail to the shed’s exterior. Plastic 55 gallon drums in addition to a handcar and trailer kit round out this package. Templates are provided for the assembly of pallets using the thin strip wood provided, the end results are amazing. The kit includes everything needed for its assembly with the exception of paint and glue.
Motrak’s kit goes beyond being a simple structure. The inclusion of additional details for the exterior will allow the builder to construct a nicely detailed model. Painting the structure in your railroad's colors will help this shed blend in with your railroad operations almost immediately. This versatile structure should prove to have other uses, it can easily be used as a yard office, small depot, or crew quarters.
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